Paul's Web Space: Fan Stuff: Who is the Mole?: Episode 1

Episode 1

From over five thousand applications a short listed few had to pass the first challenge to make the show

Entry in to the show for 10

Get to Melbourne

Four groups of four, starting at locations around the country are given $500 to spend as they make their way to Melbourne by a time limit.

The groups included:
Shane, Mal, Fiona and Helen
John, Michael, Angela with one other who didn't make it on to the show
Brooke with three others who didn't make it on to the show
and Hal, Emily and two others who didn't make it on to the show

They had to use 5 forms of transport, and in each they had to travel at least 1 kilometre

At the same time they were given information cards about the other contestents and had to learn as much as they could about the others. A 16 question questionaire at the end of the day would decide who gets in to the show.




Obstacle Course

An army obstacle course to be completed by all contestents under 40 minutes. 2 minutes would be deducted if any of them fail any of these obstacles.

They included:
climbing a pole, a flying fox, a rope bridge, tunnel, monkey bars, hurdle and a tunnel in to water

Who is the Mole?

My guess is Angela, who by the way was the last person selected in to the show and she didn't seem very surprised. Something about her is just very suspicious.

Who was eliminated?

Six of the finalists were elimanted

Total Prize Money

$10,000 out of a possible $10,000

Next episode

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