Paul's Web Space: X-Treme indeX: New X-Men #115

New X-Men #115

Cover: See Note

Title: E is for Extinction, Two of Three (23 pages)

Writer: Grant Morrison
Pencils: Frank Quitely
Inks: Tim Towsend with Mark Morales
Colors: Hi-Fi Design
Letters: Richard Starkings, Comicraft, Saida Temofonte
Assistant Editor: Peter Franco
Editor: Mark Powers
Editor in Chief: Joe Quesada

Feature Characters: Professor X, Cyclops, Wolverine, Jean Grey, the Beast

Supporting Characters: Magneto (dies)

Villains: Ms Nova, Donald Trask (dies), Sentinels

Guest Appearance: Emma Frost (last in Generation X #75)

Other Character: Ugly John (dies)

Cameo Appearances: U-Go Girl (on a billboard), Doop (on a t-shirt).

Note: This issue shipped with two covers both by Frank Quitely: one of Cyclops and one of Wolverine.
As with Chamber in Uncanny X-Men, Emma Frost is not a member of the team yet, despite the team roster at the start of the book, so she's not listed as a Feature Character.

Cyclops and Wolverine find the Mastermold in South America as a squad of Sentinels are launched. Their X-wing is soon attacked by new small Sentinels. Their plane crashes and they activate the self-destruct. The Sentinels pursue them and capture Wolverine and Ugly John while Cyclops is left barely conscious with his visor destroyed. Inside the Mastermold, Donald Trask continues to have doubts about his role in Mutant genocide. Ms Nova tries to convince him it's the right thing to do, but having completed copying his DNA she no longer needs him so she kills him. The Sentinels now respond to her. Her first squad of Sentinels have already attacked Cape Town in South Africa on their way to their proper destination. She has Ugly John electrocuted but left just alive. Wolverine breaks free and attacks her. Cyclops arrives and puts Ugly John out of his misery. Wolverine can tell though that Ms. Nova has already succeeded in something because of her smile. In Genosha, Emma Frost is teaching a class of young girl telepaths when the classroom is destroyed in an explosion. The Sentinels have arrived and begin tearing in to the capital city. Using Cerebra, Professor Xavier cries as the population of Genosha is brutally wiped out.

Last Issue of New X-Men * Next Issue of New X-Men

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